TARAB. Careful arrangements of sonic rubbish. Spatial work for found objects, found sound, transducers and speakers. sonicrubbish.com

Working under the projecttitle TARAB, eamon sprod explores re-contextualised collected sounds and tactile gestures formed into dynamic, psycho-geographical compositions inspired by discarded things, found things, crawling around in the dirt, junk, the ground, rocks, dust, wind, walking aimlessly, scratchy things, decay and most if not all the things he hears and sees. More than simply documenting a given site, tarab is interested in a direct engagement with our surrounds, teasing out half narratives, visceral sensation, false leads and heightened awareness. TARAB’ss compositional works have been published by labels including Aposiopese (FR/BE), Cronica (PT), Unfathomless (BE), 23five (US), Semperflorens (RU), Naturestrip (AU) and Nonlinear (AU); performances have been presented in Australia, Europe, Japan, Korea, North and South America.